the books bled today
leached romance from their pages
and the words have now snowballed
into this familiar lump in my throat
it's asphyxiating
it's ferocious, reckless, rapacious love
it's gentle, cinematic, pastel love
come claw the void out of me
come claw the damp earth
i shall swim through your debris
and call it land
my arms are dabbling in cans of paint
fingers fumbling
for a memory to grab
the air is viscous and
in my head
your smile is theatrically replaying
amidst a sunny, hazy circle of confusion
oh stop me
this is getting out of hand
hands manackled behind my back
you see, kind sir
i do have quite the propensity
to submit to love-tainted ruination
gather me in your fingers
pour me into candles
the wicks are parched
for a taste of the fire
the roads have unfurled like a red carpet
time is melting from the clock
tiny lightbulbs of bleach and water
are sprouting from the ground
now i'm tasting colours, hearing patterns
blowing thought bubbles in the wind
did we blindfold the sky in shame?
i may have caught it peering down below
through the pinholes in its fabric
button, unbotton, needle and thread
now kiss me coherently, will you?
don't love me from that window afar
for i'd like to pretend
just for a while
that i'm a little more inebriated
than i really am

Illustration by Adarsh Jay